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C.M. Mills



Elder C. M. Mills was born in Union County, North Carolina, September 16, 1900, son of Calvin T. and Rena Clontz Mills. He joined High Hill Church inAugust 1931, and was baptized in September. His first effort to preach was in November 1931. He was ordained to the full work of the gospel ministry Friday before the first Sunday in August 1933. Union Grove Church requested his ordination in 1933 and called him as pastor at their next conference meeting after his ordination.

Elder Mills served several of the churches of the Bear Creek Association faithfully for many years. His untiring efforts to preach salvation by grace bore much fruit in that part of the Lord's kingdom. He preached in all the Southern states, and many of the Northern and Western states, in which he was widely

known, throughout the churches of the Primitive Baptist faith. During the many years of Elder Mills’ ministry, he has seen the churches grow and come together in love. At the time of his ordination, the Original Bear Creek Association had around 280 members, and eventually grew to 20 churches and 1,273 members.

Elder Mills preached over 8,000 sermons, baptized 690 people into the Primitive Baptist Church, was called on many times by other denominations for funerals and weddings. He married over 280 couples, and conducted and assisted in over 1,500 funerals. He spent a very active life in serving churches and was his heart's desire to see God's kingdom grow in love and peace. Many times he broke the ice to baptize the Lord's little children, and been called on to conduct funerals when the weather was almost unbearable.

FROM “GOSPEL APPEAL: ” He was a true pastor in every respect. He braved the chill of many winters and the heat of many summers, discharging his duties as pastor; preaching the gospel, visiting the sick comforting the bereaved, counseling the disturbed, and much, much more, not just to members of his churches but also to friends of other denominations where he was held in high esteem. He was uncompromising in the truth, always trying to keep a clean house. Feeding the little lambs was his greatest delight. His mind seemed to be led by, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness." We are reminded of two of his favorite expressions; we quote: "I would rather wear out in the service of my Lord than to rust out.” He did just that; he was faithful to the end. Also: "I get tired on the way, but never tired of the way." He looked upon the Bible as a thorough furnisher for the church to follow. He seemed to have the spiritual ability to penetrate the future and the spiritual wisdom that was respected by God-fearing men, and his advice was sought after from far and near. He was strong as a lion when defending the truth and glorifying his Saviour and King when contending with contriving and unscrupulous men; but humble as a lamb with little ones seeking spiritual advice. We believe he endeavored to carry out the pattern set forth in James 1:27, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

larry heldman  

Elder James Compton (1905 - 2007)
Elder James Compton was the original founder of the 'Gospel of Grace Tape Supply.' His collection of tapes began as he traveled to Church meetings and Associations recording sermons on Reel to Reel. He has maintained this library of sermons faithfully over the years and are now the foundation of PB Sermons. org. This web site is dedicated to Elder James Compton (1905 - 2007)